Not Your Circus Dog
Not Your Circus Dog are London’s queer crip-reclaiming punk cabaret collective. We’ve collaborated with them since 2018, producing their premiere show Not F**kin’ Sorry with Access All Areas.
Not F**kin’ Sorry
“So, just what is it that you fuckers want?”
The cracks, the scars.
We are sick of being your circus dogs.
Everything you think we can’t do,
We can.
And we are not fucking sorry.
Join the Not Your Circus Dog collective in an evening of shameless sexy punk crip cabaret. With luscious lip syncs, sweaty dances and verbatim stories, have your preconceptions rattled as we take you to the edge.
Welcome to our space. You are a guest, and we are not fucking sorry.
Producer Daisy Hale
Director Liselle Terret
Assistant Director Heather Johnson
Lighting Designer Tim Kelly
Composer and Sound Designer Anna Clock
Dramaturge Lou Cope
Movement Consultant Janine Fletcher
Company Stage Manager Elske Waite
Assistant Stage Manager Emily Norris
Creative Enablers Heather Johnson Elinor Keber Lucy Andrews
Trailer and Video producer Mann Bros
Publicity Photographer Stephen Allwright
Production Photographer Harry Elletson